KingsRoad Wiki

Renamed Burst in the final game.

Freezes (stuns) all enemies around you for a few seconds(Whoa, couldnt have guessed from its name) The enemies regain their consciousness after a few seconds , but it is a good idea when you are surrounded. Also, read teleport if you are stuck in a bad situation. Note that most bosses are immune to stun so only the damage will affect them.

the following runes can be added to this skill[]

  • Burst of light ( evo max: 18400 + 87% light damage plus stuns for 3 seconds {2.5 sec in pvp})
  • Fire burst (evo max : 8200 +93% fire damage plus stuns for 3 seconds {2 sec in PvP})
  • Shadow burst (evo max: 2706 + 93% plus stuns for 3 seconds {2 sec in PvP})
  • Expel (evo max: 10988 + 52% and a second burst of 10988 + 52% shadow damage) note here that both bursts can stun an opponent but will not restun an already stunned opponent (stuns for 3 seconds {2 sec in PvP})
  • Empowered fire burst (evo max: 21976 + 110% plus stuns for 3 seconds {2 sec in PvP})
  • Icicle splash ( evo max: stuns all enemys around you for 3 sec {even in PvP} plus 10988 + 116% damage plus an additional 10988 + 116% damage per second for 3 seconds)
  • Forest burst (evo max 6000 + 122% damage plus stuns for 3 seconds {2.5 sec in pvp})


burst of light has a larger range than fire burst and empowered fire burst.

Here, you will notice I am being attacked by multiple enemies. Freezing them for a few seconds also deals damage( therefore , a few may die) and the rest wake up after a few seconds. This gives you a breathing space
