KingsRoad Wiki

There are three classes in KingsRoad: the Knight, the Archer, and the Wizard. Each player can have one of each class on their account, and each class specializes in different offensive and defensive abilities.

Some items and features are shared between characters, while others are not.

Items Shared:

  • Inventory - items inside the inventory, as well as any size expansions purchased
  • Vault - items inside the vault, as well as any size expansions purchased
  • Map Mastery progress
  • Gems
  • Gold
  • Forge and Cooking upgrades
  • Forge timers and states - you can only craft one item at a time in the forge, meaning you cannot use multiple characters to forge multiple items simultaneously
  • Purchased Vanity Skins
  • Quest progress

Items Not Shared:

  • Experience - including levels
  • Skill Points - including purchased skill points
  • Weapons and Armor that are equipped on a character


The knight is a melee-based class, specializing in close-ranged attacks.

Initially knights have minimal AOE capabilities but quickly evolve into a multi-targeting machine. With skills that allow you to immediately apply a massive 'Thorns Damage' effect, Whirlwind, and massive AOE stuns. The Knight is the more commonly played class and offers the ability to dual wield weapons upon reaching level 55, and also become immune to damage for a short period of time. Overall the Knight is a very well-rounded class.


Skill maim
Skill cleave
Skill charge
Skill hurl
Skill rumble
Skill spikes
Skill whirl
Skill protector
Skill enrage
Skill holyshield
Skill frenzy
Skill layonhands
Skill dualwield
Skill angelicform


The archer is a ranged class, specializing in taking out enemies at a distance using a bow.


Skill volley
Skill spreadshot
Skill frostarrow
Skill decoy
Skill flamearrow
Skill shock
Skill firestorm
Skill smokescreen
Skill pierce
Skill sniper
Skill markofdeath
Skill poisonarrow
Skill falconer
Skill ballista


The Wizard is a ranged class, and does well with crowd control and AoE-based attacks.


Skill fireball
Skill freeze
Skill incinerate
Skill frostarmor
Skill firedrake
Skill chainlightning
Skill blizzard
Skill polymorph
Skill protectionbubble
Skill teleport
Skill healingfountain
Skill breathoffire
Skill mimic
Skill archmage